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What is Your Story?

I really enjoyed this video from TedxTalks. I have been feeling like I need to do more journaling as part of my own healing journey but also for having my story written, for my kids or for anyone who would benefit from reading it. I love LeRon's belief in the societal changes that can come from hearing ALL stories. That's a big reason I do this blog. There is healing in storytelling. I hope to be a platform for more stories to be heard. The stories validate our own experiences when we can relate, and they teach us of other experiences and perspectives that may be different than ours or simply unknown to us. I hope this inspires you to find a way to start sharing your story. Find more great stories and speeches at:


Self-care when you have ADHD

One of  the "reals" I have to deal with in my life is that I have ADHD. I wasn't diagnosed until adulthood when some of my struggles with lack of organization, time management, etc became really apparent and hard to deal with. I found myself being overwhelmed all of the time. It was hard for me to focus on basic daily tasks and responsibilities. My diagnosis was over a decade ago, but I still feel like I have a lot to learn about how my brain works. I love the idea of self care for any mental health or life challenge you are facing. Maintaining basic self care habits helps us feel more positive and capable to deal with the harder things. And it helps our self esteem. At least this is what I have noticed with myself. I came across this video this morning.. If you have ADHD or someone you love does, check out this video and more from their YouTube channel  by clicking on this link:

Deal with the Real

It's been a long time since I last posted. I have been working hard and very tired. Me and my husband both work full time, we were a host home provider for an adult with special needs for the last eight years and we have two kids. Life just gets busy and its hard juggling it all. The thing that often made it the hardest, was my physical and mental health. I deal with a lot of anxiety, depression and PTSD. I also struggle with chronic fatigue and pain that the doctors are trying to figure out. I know a lot of it also comes from the anxiety and things. I have however started to know my limits and I cut back at work and changed to PRN staff, after a few months of being on intermittent FMLA. I often struggle with feeling stuck, even though I see the life I want to create. As I've heard so brilliantly expressed "I see the ideal and then deal with the real." I have ADHD which doesn't help my executive functioning skills on making things happen the way that I want to. But I still hold onto the ideals and the visions of my life I want to have. Part of that vision is being able to share what helps me through this process, what has helped me in the past, with all of you. In case it might help someone. I'll be posting more often now and we can learn together how we can navigate, share and keep the healing going from our generation to the next.