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What is Your Story?

I really enjoyed this video from TedxTalks. I have been feeling like I need to do more journaling as part of my own healing journey but also for having my story written, for my kids or for anyone who would benefit from reading it. I love LeRon's belief in the societal changes that can come from hearing ALL stories. That's a big reason I do this blog. There is healing in storytelling. I hope to be a platform for more stories to be heard. The stories validate our own experiences when we can relate, and they teach us of other experiences and perspectives that may be different than ours or simply unknown to us. I hope this inspires you to find a way to start sharing your story. Find more great stories and speeches at:


Self-care when you have ADHD

One of  the "reals" I have to deal with in my life is that I have ADHD. I wasn't diagnosed until adulthood when some of my struggles with lack of organization, time management, etc became really apparent and hard to deal with. I found myself being overwhelmed all of the time. It was hard for me to focus on basic daily tasks and responsibilities. My diagnosis was over a decade ago, but I still feel like I have a lot to learn about how my brain works. I love the idea of self care for any mental health or life challenge you are facing. Maintaining basic self care habits helps us feel more positive and capable to deal with the harder things. And it helps our self esteem. At least this is what I have noticed with myself. I came across this video this morning.. If you have ADHD or someone you love does, check out this video and more from their YouTube channel  by clicking on this link:

Deal with the Real

It's been a long time since I last posted. I have been working hard and very tired. Me and my husband both work full time, we were a host home provider for an adult with special needs for the last eight years and we have two kids. Life just gets busy and its hard juggling it all. The thing that often made it the hardest, was my physical and mental health. I deal with a lot of anxiety, depression and PTSD. I also struggle with chronic fatigue and pain that the doctors are trying to figure out. I know a lot of it also comes from the anxiety and things. I have however started to know my limits and I cut back at work and changed to PRN staff, after a few months of being on intermittent FMLA. I often struggle with feeling stuck, even though I see the life I want to create. As I've heard so brilliantly expressed "I see the ideal and then deal with the real." I have ADHD which doesn't help my executive functioning skills on making things happen the way that I want to. But I still hold onto the ideals and the visions of my life I want to have. Part of that vision is being able to share what helps me through this process, what has helped me in the past, with all of you. In case it might help someone. I'll be posting more often now and we can learn together how we can navigate, share and keep the healing going from our generation to the next.

The Holistic Psychologist: What I’ve Learned on My Healing Journey

 I am just beginning to explore some of her content but I watched this video and it really resonated with me and my own healing journey right now. I love how she talks about how most behaviors are done in an attempt to avoid certain emotions or to feel certain emotions. Makes me want to be more aware of my intention with my own behavior and habits. I also liked how she talked about people-pleasing being more about you than the ones you are trying to please. That’s a big one for me because I struggle with that a lot! She just has a a lot of really good info in this short video.

Dealing with emotions from past events

 My friend and mentor, Julie Allen, gives 3 main reasons in this video of why we need to deal with emotions from past events. She is an amazing person and an awesome life coach. 

If you wanna learn more from Julie, check out her website at  or email her at  

I have done some processing work with her for trauma in my past and negative beliefs I was holding onto and she’s amazing!

The Mother Tree


I love this insight and consideration of our Mother in Heaven. There are a lot of unanswered questions, things we don’t know about Her yet. But I love the consideration and hope this brings for me. It gives me a chance to look for evidence of Her in my life. Last fall I was given a priesthood blessing by my husband, where I was advised to walk in nature to help my body and mind heal. There is a sacredness in nature. As I have walked, I have felt that sacredness and this video has helped me feel that I’m more connected to my Heavenly Mother when I’m walking. I look forward to the time when we learn more about Her.

Check out her YouTube Channel at 

Milkmaid’s Honey

He will fill us with Light

 I love and relate to this woman’s story. I too, have tried so hard to “not get depressed.” But oftentimes, the harder I try to stop it, the worse it gets. And even though my pain is still very real, I have felt a lot of healing and grace as I’ve turned to God to help me. He has shone light on my darkness so many times, giving me renewed hope, strength and joy. He gives me new perspective, and helps me see others and myself in a kinder way. 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

 I have been going through some challenges lately with some chronic pain I deal with. There are times when it’s better and times where it hits me hard. I’ve found that stress really makes it worse, so I’m working more on practicing mindfulness and getting my mind out of the stress response (fight or flight). We all get stuck in that cycle, whether it’s criticism from your boss, an argument with a loved one, or a car running a red light in front of you, causing you to slam on your breaks.... that fight or flight stress response gets triggered, which can cause a lot of disharmony in your body. I have done this meditation a few times and I like how she takes you through tensing and relaxing all the muscles in your body. That is a technique that really works for me, and I feel the benefit from it the rest of the day and even longer. If it sounds like it’d help you, give it a try! :)

Check out more videos like this on their YouTube channel  Relax for a while

Why God? Making Peace with Pain

 I shared this video before when I first heard it. It’s one of those songs that just stops me in my tracks, wherever I am, whatever I’m doing. I heard it for the first time, during a point in my life where I couldn’t find the words to describe why I choose to remain a Christian amidst all the hard things I’ve gone through. This song gave me those words. In the therapy group I mentor, the therapist always talks about making peace with pain. It seems like a simple concept to grasp but it’s been one that I have to relearn, practice and over time, I think I have come to my own understanding of what she means. For me, it’s about acceptance that life is imperfect and that pain is a part of the journey, but not the only part. It’s about recognizing pain while holding on to hope and also recognizing the good. I have struggled so much in fighting pain, as if it’s an enemy that I haven’t yet conquered. I forget often that the pain is a necessary part of joy and living a full life. When I remember this lesson, my hope is renewed. I’ve also learned that pain has never defeated me. And that’s one of the reasons I remain a Christian. Because I know I don’t have to conquer the pain. I may have to endure, work through and navigate through it. I may have to be still and feel alone at times in it. But I don’t need to conquer it. Because Christ already has. He conquered it for me. His resurrection, His victory over pain and death, showed me that pain wasn’t the end of His story. And because of Him, pain is not the end of my story. It’s also not the only part of my story here in this life. I believe the biggest miracle comes not in the absence of pain, but in the sustaining peace amidst the pain that comes through Him. I have a lot of “Why God” questions myself, that are still not answered. But I know that’s why I need Him. Line upon Line, He leads me, teaches me and guides me. I need Him through the unknown. He is the Light in the my darkness.

Why, God by Austin French:

Helping Others While Taking Care of You


I’ve spent a lot of time working through my own mental health struggles. Because of this my mind and heart often relate to others going through depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, etc. As I have found some healing and coping mechanisms that have helped me through past trauma and ongoing mental illnesses , I have naturally wanted to make a difference for others going through the pain of these things. I’ve had some great opportunities to work with individuals struggling with this pain, in places I’ve worked, volunteered, and even with friends and family. However, there is something so important that often got left on the back burner in my life and that is self care. I had learned how important it is in healing past trauma, managing mental health and even physical pain management, but becoming a parent and trying to make a difference with others, has refocused my attention on the need for my own self care. As I continue writing on this subject in the future I’ll share some simple things that I’ve started practicing that have made a big difference for me. But for now, I want to share this video where a friend of mine, who is a therapist, gives insight for both those struggling with mental illness and those trying to help those who are struggling. She gives some great insight that she’s gained from over 25 years of experience and current  resources that are available. She is interviewed by Tamara K. Anderson, on her podcast Stories of Hope in Hard Times. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did and that it can point you or someone you love to new resources and connection.


Self Love

 Do you, like me, struggle to move forward in life? Even when you are working so hard? I've been learning a lesson lately that I have had to relearn over and over. But its taken on even more meaning for me lately as I have decided to try and slow down. And that lesson the wall that I keep coming up against when wanting to push forward, is often a lack of acceptance of where I've been and where I am now. When I look at my current self or life situation as something to escape from, I operate out of a place of fear and negativity. There is power in sitting with your truth in acceptance and love. Yes, life is hard and those truths need to be spoken. But so do the positive things. That doesn't mean we lie to ourselves or tell ourselves a story we wont believe about our lives. But it does mean recognizing all truths, with acceptance, love and compassion for yourself. It takes a lot of practice. I've recently become more devoted to being still and practicing self love, as I have been recovering from surgery, quit my job and dealing with a chronic illness. I've relearned that a good quality of life requires this practice. 

I'm including a video from a YouTube channel I really like. I did this meditation a little while ago and I found it really helpful. Give it a listen, you might find it helpful too :) 

Live The Life You Love

#LiveTheLifeYouLove #SelfLove #SelfCare

Is This the Me That I should Be? - Beautiful Poem by my sister Caron

This is my twin sister! She and I both have fought long battles with body image issues and lack of self acceptance. We have both found a lot healing, but it is still a journey. Caron is an amazing sister, friend and Life Coach! What many don't know about her is that she's also an amazing poet. This is one of her beautiful poems she wrote on her continued path of healing.

Follow her on Facebook at  @CoachingwithCaron