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He will fill us with Light

 I love and relate to this woman’s story. I too, have tried so hard to “not get depressed.” But oftentimes, the harder I try to stop it, the worse it gets. And even though my pain is still very real, I have felt a lot of healing and grace as I’ve turned to God to help me. He has shone light on my darkness so many times, giving me renewed hope, strength and joy. He gives me new perspective, and helps me see others and myself in a kinder way. 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

 I have been going through some challenges lately with some chronic pain I deal with. There are times when it’s better and times where it hits me hard. I’ve found that stress really makes it worse, so I’m working more on practicing mindfulness and getting my mind out of the stress response (fight or flight). We all get stuck in that cycle, whether it’s criticism from your boss, an argument with a loved one, or a car running a red light in front of you, causing you to slam on your breaks.... that fight or flight stress response gets triggered, which can cause a lot of disharmony in your body. I have done this meditation a few times and I like how she takes you through tensing and relaxing all the muscles in your body. That is a technique that really works for me, and I feel the benefit from it the rest of the day and even longer. If it sounds like it’d help you, give it a try! :)

Check out more videos like this on their YouTube channel  Relax for a while