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Is This the Me That I should Be? - Beautiful Poem by my sister Caron

This is my twin sister! She and I both have fought long battles with body image issues and lack of self acceptance. We have both found a lot healing, but it is still a journey. Caron is an amazing sister, friend and Life Coach! What many don't know about her is that she's also an amazing poet. This is one of her beautiful poems she wrote on her continued path of healing.

Follow her on Facebook at  @CoachingwithCaron

Suicide Awareness - REACH OUT during quarantine

The world is going through a lot right now. I know isolation can be both a coping mechanism for me with my depression and also a coping skill. I just wanted to say that I hope everyone is ok. I love what Ganel-Lyn Condie says in this video from Hope Works. "Stay in your body!" I had an experience recently where someone close to me overdosed. When I called the suicide hotline they were so compassionate, even though I wasn't the one struggling. Ganel-Lyn brings light and understanding to those who are suffering themselves, and loved ones of those who suffer. If you are suffering, hold on. Another minute, another hour, another day. Reach out to a trusted person or call a hotline. As she suggests in the video, come up with a plan B. If you know someone who is suffering right now, reach out to them a little more during this quarantine. Don't wait. I know personally the difference a phone call or text can mean to someone who is barely hanging on. You aren't responsible for the decisions someone makes, but it goes a long way to check in with them. Stay safe everyone. 

Check out more from Hope works by clicking this link:
Check out Ganel-Lyn's website to see more of her story and works at:

Fast for relief from COVID-19 effects: Russell M. Nelson

Join me in accepting President Nelson's invitation to fast this Sunday for relief from the effects of COVID-19. I know Heavenly Father loves us and knows our needs during this difficult time.