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"I asked twice" Little girl stands up for herself to a bully

I love her. Does anyone else wish they could go back in time and stand up to a bully the way she did? You go girl!

10 Ways to have a better conversation - Celeste Headlee

I loved this. Good pointers that we could all use. I especially liked how she said to not always respond to people who are telling their own stories, by saying how what you went through was the same as them. I struggle with that, as I think most of us do. Great advise in this one!

Praying by Kesha

What if? Reba McEntire

This seems fitting for today, even though its twenty years old......I love Reba!

Brave - Sara Bareilles

Was in the mood to listen to THIS SONG. Love it!

Silent Marriage/Relationship killer?

I really liked this article, not just because it points to something that can ruin relationships, but also something that can ruin someone's overall happiness in all walks of life.
Awesome insight! My sister shared this with me. Another reminder for me of why human connection is so important. Worth the time to read and listen.

What if?

wow! Just another bit of proof that people really are trying their best, most of the time. We judge based on what we see, but we need to look deeper and try to understand others.